
Year 4




Who could have imagined that this year would fly by so quickly? Only a few more weeks and the children will find themselves in Year 5. There is still a lot to do before then, however.


PE will be on WEDNESDAY. Can we please remind everyone of the school's expectations so far as PE kit is concerned. No logos (other than the school one!); PE shirts to reflect the child's House Colours; plain shorts/joggers





History  topic – The Ancient Greeks



We continue to study Ancient Greece for our topic work this term. In Summer 2, we will focus on the history of the wars against the Persians and the fascinating story of Pheidippides.


RE: In Summer 2, the final unit for the year enables us to consider  'How and why  people (of different faiths) mark the significant events of life'. This will give us the opportunity to consider Baptism and Marriage as well as  Bar and Bat Mitzvah



Our final SCIENCE unit is  " Animals including Humans". We will study the digestive system (from top to bottom!) and look at different types of teeth and why we, and different animals, have them.




 During GUIDED READING 4P will study "Wolf Brother"  by Michelle Paver  whilst 4W will read "When the Mountains Roared" by Jess Butterworth. 

For English, we will look at non-fiction texts - specifically explanations and discussions. One of the writing units will allow the children to use their experiences at Cotswold Wildlife Park to argue whether or not zoos should continue to exist.



In MATHS we will be covering a wide variety of objectives. Area and perimeter, measurement and equivalents, data handling and coordinates. We will also be converting analogue to digital time and vice versa. Any help you can provide by encouraging your child to read the time off an analogue clock or watch would be gratefully received!







Who could have imagined that this year would fly by so quickly? Only a few more weeks and the children will find themselves in Year 5. There is still a lot to do before then, however.


PE will be on WEDNESDAY. Can we please remind everyone of the school's expectations so far as PE kit is concerned. No logos (other than the school one!); PE shirts to reflect the child's House Colours; plain shorts/joggers





History  topic – The Ancient Greeks



We continue to study Ancient Greece for our topic work this term. In Summer 2, we will focus on the history of the wars against the Persians and the fascinating story of Pheidippides.


RE: In Summer 2, the final unit for the year enables us to consider  'How and why  people (of different faiths) mark the significant events of life'. This will give us the opportunity to consider Baptism and Marriage as well as  Bar and Bat Mitzvah



Our final SCIENCE unit is  " Animals including Humans". We will study the digestive system (from top to bottom!) and look at different types of teeth and why we, and different animals, have them.




 During GUIDED READING 4P will study "Wolf Brother"  by Michelle Paver  whilst 4W will read "When the Mountains Roared" by Jess Butterworth. 

For English, we will look at non-fiction texts - specifically explanations and discussions. One of the writing units will allow the children to use their experiences at Cotswold Wildlife Park to argue whether or not zoos should continue to exist.



In MATHS we will be covering a wide variety of objectives. Area and perimeter, measurement and equivalents, data handling and coordinates. We will also be converting analogue to digital time and vice versa. Any help you can provide by encouraging your child to read the time off an analogue clock or watch would be gratefully received!